
All in a Day’s Work No Comp for Crack Dealer

Continually selling crack cocaine amounts to employment and thus is sufficient cause to...


Calculator Estimates Cost of Employee Health Problems

Blueprint for Health is a free online tool now being used by companies small and large ...


Pension Protection Act Boosting 401(k) Participation, Survey Concludes

The passage of the Pension Protection Act in 2006 has led to higher participation in 40...


EEOC Issues Rule On Retiree Health Benefits

The rule allows employers that provide retiree health benefits to continue to coordinat...


Employer FMLA Frustrations May Rise With First Extension

The bill enables spouses, children, parents or next of kin to wounded military service ...


FedEx Suffers Independent Contractor Setback

FedEx may have to pay $319 million plus interest in tax and penalties in connection wit...


Indiana Launching Plan for the Uninsured

The Bush administration has approved an innovative Indiana program that will extend sta...


States Face Huge Funding Gap for Non-Pension Benefits

States owe public employees at least $2.73 trillion in pension, health care and other r...