Workforce News

HR Administration

PBJ Reports: What you need to know

Summary The CMS requires long-term care facilities to submit quarterly Payroll-Based Jo...

Workforce News


Wage and Hour Laws in 2022: What Employers Need to Know

Whether a mom-and-pop shop with a handful of employees or a large corporation staffing ...

Workforce News


Exempt vs. non-exempt employees: knowing the difference

Summary Employees are exempt from FLSA requirements when they meet specific exemption c...

Workforce News

Employee Engagement

12 practical employee appreciation ideas for better engagement and retention

Summary Showing appreciation to your employees improves engagement and retention. There...

Workforce News


California fast food workers bill: why it’s more than meets the eye and how to prepare

Summary: California signs bill establishing a “fast food council” that has the power to...

Workforce News

Employee Engagement

7 statistics on employee turnover every HR manager should be aware of

Summary July 2022 saw 5.9 million total separations – More Replacing a full-time employ...

Workforce News

HR Administration

Policy management: What is it and what does it look like for HR?

Summary Policy management involves the creation and maintenance of administrative proce...

Workforce News

Employee Engagement

Employee Retention Strategies in a Tight Labor Market

Summary: Effective employee retention strategies are crucial in today’s labor market, w...

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