Free overtime calculatorSummary: Overtime refers to any and all hours worked beyond the standard 40-hour work w...
Most Common 12-hour Shift Schedules (2023)Brief descriptions of the most commonly used 12-hour schedule types.
Staffing Management
Managing Employee Time-Off Requests [Guide + Examples]Summary Vacation, sick time, PTO banks, and unpaid leave are only a few forms of employ...
Labor analytics: A how-to guide for company leadershipMake sure to start small, clean your data, use data from a variety of sources and use d...
Why tattleware isn’t the solution for underperforming teamsIf your employees can take their smartphones out of their pockets to circumvent your ef...
Staffing Management
4 proven steps for tackling employee absenteeismSummary Identifying the cause of employee absenteeism not only helps uncover deeper-roo...
Staffing Management
Employee or contractor? 6 worker misclassification FAQsMisclassification of employees as independent contractors led to overtime violations, a...
HR Administration
Is your employee attendance policy and procedure fit for purpose?Summary: Lateness and absenteeism are early warning signs of a deteriorating attendance...