SHRM 54th Annual Conference & ExpositionIf you are planning on attending SHRM this year in Philadelphia, you don’t want to miss...
The Recruiting Payoff of Social ResponsibilityCompanies are realizing that not only can a reputation for corporate social responsibil...
A New Option for Fans of OutsourcingIDC analyst Lisa Rowan says that the formation of a new company is a great sign that bi...
Hospitality Managers Want Challenge, Respect, Work-Life BalanceA new study finds that money is important, but what professionals really want is “an en...
Stress Levels Aren’t Rising in America Like They Are OverseasIn other countries, either quick economic growth or really weak economies are causing b...
Dow’s Mission and ValuesThe company describes how it wants to “constantly improve,” and how that mission will b...
Dear Workforce How Do We Convince Management to Establish a Benefits CommitteeI’m trying to convince senior management to establish a formal benefits committee to ov...
Dear Workforce How Do I Calculate Training CostsHow do I calculate the cost of training per trainee in our vocational center? Which ite...