
Chief Change Officer Measuring Up

There’s a reason Dennis Donovan once again leads Workforce Management ‘s yearly list of...


Options Abound

When the Financial Accounting Standards Board in 2005 began requiring companies to list...


Pay Gap Between HR Leaders, Top Officers Persists

The good news is that compensation for HR as a discipline is growing quickly, second on...


Wal-Mart to Sell Generic Drugs at a Discount

Wal-Mart will sell some generic drugs for $4 per 30-day prescription to employees and c...


C-Suite August, 2006

C-Suite August, 2006


Bush Demands Data on Price, Quality of Care

Federal government initiatives don’t usually jump to mind in the category of innovative...


CEO Chief Environmental Officer—A New Title for an Old Corporate Concern

Titles for what essentially are the largest companies’ chief environmental officers are...


SAP on Strong Growth Track, Studies Say

Two recent studies differ on whether Oracle or SAP is king of the HR software hill. But...