
Fixing Co-Pay Woes Promotes Cost Savings

As U.S. health care costs continue to outpace inflation, a recent report suggests compa...


Bush Retraining Plan Leaves Displaced Workers on Their Own

President Bush wants to cut $1 billion in job training programs and proposes giving dis...


China Matters Podcasts

Staff writer Ed Frauenheim recently interviewed several leading workforce management pr...


HR on the Hot Seat in China

Not only do HR departments at multinationals face intense challenges when it comes to l...


Why China Matters

China emerged from 50 years of communist rule to become the manufacturer to the world, ...


On-Site Doctors Bolster Disease Management

Doctors in medical clinics at employer work sites are three times more likely to get em...


Experts Tout U.K. Law to Allow Shareholder Voice on Pay

Under Rep. Barney Frank’s proposal, public companies would be required to give sharehol...


Lawmaker Hints at 401(k) Legislation

Rep. George Miller is convinced that middle-income families are suffering retirement in...