
Seats at the Table, but Whos Ready

When it comes to the long-sought “seat at the table” for HR leaders, Libby Sartain sees...


Hard Hit by the Auto Industrys Troubles, Detroit Aims to Keep Its Young

Experience still counts. In today’s workforce, how much it counts depends on whom you’r...


Faith Groups Let People Bring Their Whole Selves to Work

Ford and Acro illustrate how Detroit employers of different sizes are working to manage...


Diversity Among Detroits Doctors

Detroit’s Henry Ford Health System creates a designated Muslim prayer space.


Skip the PIP

Sometimes, parting ways is the right thing to do, and introducing a performance improve...


Ford to Lay Off Salaried Workers

Because Ford wants the cuts made by August, the company doesn’t expect to offer volunta...


Survey Defined-Benefit Plans Still in the Retirement Mix

A new Watson Wyatt study finds a noticeable slowdown in large companies ditching their ...


Are Diversity Initiatives Obama-Proof

If Obama wins, will diversity programs lose? Taking the White House might give the impr...