Evidence-Based Health Care Payment Test Sites ChosenTwo cities have been selected as test sites for a health care payment model based entir...
Despite Success, There Are Reasons to Be Wary of Referral ProgramsEmployers unfamiliar with referral programs can inadvertently create an HR phenomenon k...
Special Report on HR TechnologyTalent Management Software-Style Over SubstanceThe latest talent management products—modeled on organizational charts and baseball-car...
Massachusetts Refines Health Care Coverage RulesRegulators plan to clarify final rules soon on the design requirements of health plans ...
House Approves FSA Funds for Reservists Called to DutyThe legislation would allow individuals called up from the reserves for active military...
American Airlines Slashes Capacity, Thousands of JobsAmerican Airlines announced Wednesday that it is cutting domestic capacity by up to 12 ...
Bush Signs Bill Barring Genetic DiscriminationThe new law prohibits employers from firing, refusing to hire or otherwise discriminati...
States May Require Some Employers to Provide Wellness ProgramsState legislators are looking at ways to encourage—or force—employers to offer work-sit...