Staffing Management
Prep for Fads: From Holacracy to Continuous FeedbackExamining workforce analytics could help improve your HR program investments.
Workplace Culture
To Assimilate, or Not to AssimilateI recently had lunch with a dear friend and colleague who used to be my mentee in a for...
Is Your Employee Handbook a Contract of Employment? Well, Does it Have a Disclaimer?A handbook that is a binding contract might be worse than no handbook at all.
Roadmaps: Building a Health and Wellness Benefits PlanWellness is no longer trendy, but organizations without a wellness plan should analyze ...
Workplace Culture
Should White People Do Diversity Work?As a multilingual, culturally and racially ambiguous woman who’s been doing some form o...
DOL Looks to Move the Needle on Paid Sick LeaveWhile I am not a fan of government mandates, we are woefully behind the rest of the wor...
Online RecruitingMore than 20 years into the age of the World Wide Web, online recruiting long ago repla...
Workplace Culture
Hiring a White Guy as Your Diversity LeaderI’ve learned that for every 10 interviews you make hiring managers do against their wil...