
Winging it at Boeing’s Leadership Center

This simulator encourages managers to explore ideas that are too risky to try out at ho...


Results from an Extensive Survey on Employee Self-Service

Highlights of the 2000 survey, as well as a link to download the PDF file with more det...


Table of Contents October 2000

Workforce looks just as good in your hands as it does on your computer screen! In this ...


IDear Workforce-I How Do I Manage Employees Used to Being Coddled

Work on dealing with loss and change; comparing and contrasting leadership styles and s...


IDear Workforce-I How Many HR People for a 300-Person Company

Often it’s a 100:1 ratio…as a general rule. But it depends what you outsource.


Prevalence of Alternative Pay Strategies

Are companies using broadbanding? Hiring bonuses? Retention bonuses? Results of a 2000 ...


IDear Workforce-I How Do I Implement Profit Sharing

It depends if it’s qualified or non-qualified. With non-qualified, there’s a lot of fle...


Visa Basics Employment of Foreign Graduates

Don’t chance to lose a valuable employee to legal red tape.