
Finding the Best Candidates with One Click

By Staff Report

Oct. 17, 2000

The sourcing stage of the recruiting cycle is probably the most demanding forlarge corporations in terms of time:

  • Time must be spent selecting the media to be used.

  • Time must be spent in preparing a job posting request for the mediaselected and sending it.

  • Time must be spent in finding out which of the selected media worked welland which didn’t work in order to refine a more efficient sourcingstrategy for the future.

All these repetitive steps must be accomplished for each job posting arecruiter places.

One click sourcing, an integrated feature of Recruitsoft’sRecruiter WebTop™, provides recruiters with access to all sourcing tools at asingle click. All the sourcing steps — from the actual posting of jobs todefining the best sourcing strategy — can be performed quickly and easily.

Are You Using All The Sources?

To find the talent they need, recruiters turn to newspapers, tradeassociations, campus recruiting, job fairs, third-party recruiters, temporaryplacement agencies, Internet job boards, as well as employee referrals, andtheir corporate Internet and Intranet sites.

Among these, employee referrals rank high because they often deliverwell-matched, quality candidates quickly. However, with unemployment at recordlows, company recruiters have to diversify their means of sourcing to snare thetalent they need.

The growth in importance of the Internet as a recruitment channel issignificant. Web-based job boards (electronic classifieds) have proliferated andare an increasingly key choice of recruiting media. In addition, a growingnumber of companies are building their own corporate database in which a largebank of candidates, drawn from many sources, is stored.

The Challenge: Sourcing Management

The continued growth of the Internet has added more sourcing options, and thetight employment market is forcing recruiters to utilize multi-facetedrecruiting strategies. Different job positions, individual industries andspecific locations can call for the use of very different mixtures of sources toeffectively recruit. Recruiters must have an intelligent tool to help them meetthe challenges of this multiple sourcing management.

Job postings must be sent to a large number of media. Time must be spent inpreparing this media selection. The need to target the best sourcing channels isimperative. The challenge is also to learn and monitor effectiveness.

Recruitsoft’s Solution: One Click Sourcing

The answer to this challenge is Recruitsoft’sSourcing Manager, designed for enterprise use, in which all sourcing tools arecentralized. With this feature, a single click is required from job requisitioncreation to posting to all sourcing channels, whether it be posting on thecorporate Web site, posting on electronic job boards, or posting in the printmedia. If desired, the best sourcing strategy for a specific job can easily beobtained via an integrated link to the company’s media agency before actuallyposting. Recruitsoft’s system also includes access to contract-assistedhiring and labor exchanges, completing the full sourcing services.

Recruitsoft’s hiringmanagement system also provides automated tracking of the sourcing performance.In the application process, candidates indicate how they heard about the job forwhich they are applying. Automatically generated reports then supply thisstrategic information to the recruiter, with no extra clicking and no extracost. Recruitment strategies can be continually refined for efficiency andeffectiveness based on real results.

Benefits of One Click Sourcing

One click sourcing provides two key benefits for large corporations:

  • One click multi-channel posting (intranet, job boards, print, agencies,etc.).
  • Automated reporting feature (identifies your best sources of candidates,including employee referrals).

With Recruitsoft’s SourcingManager you reach a maximum of candidates in record time, and improve yoursourcing strategy each time you use it.

For more information, contact Recruitsoft at 888/836-3669, or

Recruitsoft delivers the most complete online recruiting solutions for leading companies across many industries. Among the company’s clients are United Airlines (NYSE: UAL), Bombardier Aerospace and Transportation, MetLife, Cabletron Systems (NYSE: CS), and Sutter Health. The company’s Recruiter WebTopTM application service integrates the entire recruiting supply chain and powers the career Web pages of large corporations, leading to faster time-to-hire, lower cost-per-hire, and ultimately, increased quality of hires.

Recruitsoft introduced the pay-per-hire fee structure to the Web-based recruiting industry and is considered to be the best-practice ASP for recruitment management solutions, based on its proprietary ACE Recruiting(tm) methodology, designed in collaboration with large corporations to re-engineer and streamline the corporate recruiting process.

Recruitsoft recently announced several alliances through which it became the first HMS to integrate all areas of candidate sourcing. These services, accessible via one click, include: job postings on the corporate Website, the company Intranet, job boards, advertising in all print media and, importantly, contract-assisted candidate sourcing.

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