A Popular Perk Employer-Sponsored Financial PlanningWhy this perk is so hot, and how you can choose the best delivery method.
CEO Candidate EvaluationAt MassMutual, a search committee was interviewing CEOs, and the financial company used...
For ERP Success, Plan on a Culture ChangeEnterprise Resource Planning software isn’t something you just slap into your system. I...
0209 Best SoftwareSpecial Advertisement: Peace River chose Abra® to integrate their widespread HR, payrol...
Recharging Your HRMSDon’t give up on your HR system yet. Instead, try these horsepower raising tricks.
How to Capitalize on CompetenciesCompetency models are descriptions of strong individual performance, and are the yardst...
Merger and Aquisition GlossaryGet definitions for phrases like flipping, optimal portfolio, pure play, and book cash....
Best Practices of Mergers and AcquisitionsHere’s a sample of proven and practical approaches to a merger, including communicating...