
The First Three Things That HR Should Measure

If you believe that workforce-management metrics have a direct correlation to financial...


Gray Areas in Controlling Employee Lifestyles

Can you refuse to hire someone who smokes? No. Can you ban beards in the office? That d...


Checklists for Managing a Retreat

A list of items to remember, from the design of the meeting room to the checking of fac...


The War for Talent Will Be Back

In this author’s opinion, your valuable employees will readily switch jobs when the mar...

Workforce News

HR Administration

An HR Audit

This audit–used by the Commonwealth of Virginia–allows you to examine your recruiting, ...


Three Stories of Self-Service Success

HR fights back against paperwork, expense, and errors by instituting employee and manag...

Workforce News

HR Administration

What to Do in a Catastrophe

Steps to take in the unlikely event of a shooting, a plane crash, an earthquake, or a c...


Health Information Must Stay Private

In April, HIPAA’s privacy rules go into effect. If your company isn’t well on its way t...