By Staff Report
Mar. 4, 2003
U se this checklist as a way to guide you through checking a reference. Thequestions start with simple verifications and gradually move on toperformance-related information.
_______________________________________ Candidate Potential Position Job:____________________________________ Company:________________________________ |
______________________________________ Person Contacted Position:________________________________ Company:______________________________ Location:_______________________________ Bus Tel:________________________________ Home Tel:_______________________________ |
I’d like to verify ______________ dates of employment from ________ to________.
What type of work did ______________ do? (title/general duties?)
Were ______________ earnings $________ per _______? Were there any bonus orincentive plans?
Why did ______________ leave your organization?
What do you feel are ______________ strong points on the job? Whatcharacteristics do you most admire about him/her?
Did ______________ supervise other people? How many? How effectively? Canhe/she create team effort?
What are ______________ shortcomings? Was there anything he/she was trying tochange about himself/herself, or should be trying to improve on?
How would you rate ______________ overall job performance on a scale of 1 to10 (10 being high) compared with others you observed in a similar capacity?
Have you seen ______________ current resume? Let me read to you what it sayswere his/her duties and accomplishments at your organization.
Is ______________ honest?
How well does ______________ relate to other people? Which employees doeshe/she work best with: Superiors/peers/subordinates? Is he/she a team player?
How did ______________ last job performance review go? What strengths werecited?
What recommended improvement areas were noted? How about the performancereview prior to that?
What do you feel were ______________’s most major accomplishments with yourcompany? What changed as a result of his/her involvement?
On average, how many times did ______________ miss work or come in late? Doeshe/she have any personal problems or bad habits that interfered with his/her jobperformance?
Whom did ______________ work for prior to joining your company? When hiredwere his/her references checked? What did the references have to say?
What is the biggest change you’ve observed in ______________? Where hasthere been the most growth or development?
Is ______________ in the right job/career? How far do you think he/she cango?
What do you feel frustrated ______________ in his/her last position with yourcompany?
How did ______________ handle himself/herself in times of conflict?
If ______________ asked you what one thing would most improve the way he/sheperforms on the job, what specific advice would you give him/her?
What is the best way to work with ______________ to quickly maximize his/hertalents and effectiveness for the company?
What other person(s) know ______________?
Name: ______________ Name:_______________
Title: _______________ Title:________________
Location:____________ Location:______________
Telephone:__________ Telephone:____________
Excellent __ Good __ Some Reservation __ Poor __
Check made by:_________________________ Date:__________
Excerpted from The Complete Reference Checking Handbook, Second Edition byEdward C. Andler. Copyright Ó 2003 Edward C. Andler. Published by AMACOM Books,a division of American Management Association, New York, NY. Used withpermission. All rights reserved.
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The information contained in this article is intended to provide usefulinformation on the topic covered, but should not be construed as legal advice ora legal opinion. Also remember that state laws may differ from the federal law.
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