HR Is One Pillar of the Baldrige AwardBaldrige judges examine how companies enable the work force to develop to its full pote...
Recognition Can Bolster Quality EffortsThere are no guidelines attached to the recognition process. The main objective is to s...
An Ombudsperson Can Improve Management-labor RelationsMediation is becoming more common in U.S. companies. Some companies are providing an om...
Quality Within the HR FunctionHere are some quality principles that human resources must follow.
Coca-Cola Learns from Its Training MistakesCoca-Cola USA launched its quality effort with a massive top-down training effort, in w...
Retirees Control Their BenefitsAfter being left with no insurance coverage because of a bankruptcy, retirees of Uniroy...
Staffing Management
HR Is Solving On-Shift Scheduling Work ProblemsShift workers suffer from such problems as sleep deprivation and higher divorce rates. ...
Well-designed HR Policies Improve TQM InitiativesQuality happens when you are people-focused. In other words, quality is a result of wel...