Thanks for Having the Courage“Freedom of speech (is) something this country is drifting away from,” says J.M., San F...
I Support Baseball’s Right to Censure and Fine this Young Man.“Should an employee or a contributor to your magazine editorialize about the Holocaust ...
We Are Losing Our Right to Free Speech Without Fear of Retaliation.“Rocker has the perfect right to be a jerk.”
I Truly Hope That You Do Not Really Believe What You Wrote.“I admire bravety as well…I just think that respect is more important.”
Along With That Contract Goes a Responsibility“An employer cannot foster an environment characterized by mutual respect if it also pr...
We Do Not Need Outrageously Offensive Acts to Occur to Justify Diversity or Any Other Training.“You do it because you believe in its ability to improve you business organization,” sa...
Top E-mail Addresses of Frustrated HR ProfessionalsEver feel like people should contact you at “” or “appreciatingHR@sc...