Developing Your Part-Time Employee PracticesThrough interviews with employees who have moved from full- to part-time, HR and manage...
For Managers How HR Can Help You Get The Most Out of Your TeamHelp managers better understand your responsibilities.
Employees Feeling Brunt of Health-Care IncreasesWhile most companies use a variety of techniques to manage costs, 51.7% said cost shari...
International Needs AssessmentA sample form for assessing the needs of families relocating to the United States.
TPA Offers Sage AdviceLast year the company switched medical providers, cutting medical bills by 15 to 20 per...
Wellness, A Novel ApproachThrough the March of Dimes, Bank One launched an on-site healthy pregnancy program.
How MetLife Measures Core Behaviors for Leaders, Managers, and EmployeesAt MetLife, employees are rated on a 1-to-5 ratio based on a set of compentency models ...