
Recruiting on the Right Side of the Law

“Creative” recruiting and hiring candidates with the “best fit” open the door to discri...


Media Buyer Claims Age Discrimination

A 54-year-old employee says agency McCann Erickson sought a more youthful image for new...


Toyota’s U.S. Chief Advocates Greater Role for Women in Auto Industry

New North American sales president Jim Press, who replaced a Japanese executive accused...


Mergers Transforming Outsourced Training

Large corporate marriages fuel demand for vendors to help manage global networks, provi...


McDonalds Consistency Begins with an Education at Hamburger University

The heart of McDonald’s Corp.’s store management training system is Hamburger Universit...


Cingular Wireless Approaches Union as a Strategic Partner

The company achieves its best results as thousands of its employees join the Communicat...


Sex Harassment Law Not ‘Civility Code’

Bawdy banter of TV writers doesn’t constitute harassment or discrimination, court rules...


Three Steps for Immunizing Your Company From Overtime Suits

By taking a few simple precautions, companies can avoid falling prey to wage and hour l...