
New Workforce Orbit—Relaunch at NASA

NASA is undergoing a major workforce realignment as it retires the space shuttle. How w...


Heightened Focus on H-1B Employers

The task of the Department of Homeland Security’s fraud unit is to gather the facts nec...


Yale Student’s Death Cited as Case of Workplace Violence

Experts on workplace violence say early intervention is the best way to deal with troub...


Senate Panel Releases Trimmed-Down Health Reform Plan

The Senate Finance Committee plan would cost an estimated $774 billion over 10 years, w...

Workplace Culture

Ex-Convicts in Workforce Pose Liability Problems

Nationally, all employers must contend with myriad state laws limiting how they may use...


Court Cites Ledbetter Law in Reversing Its Prior Decision in Equal Pay Case

An employer’s refusal to respond to an employee’s request for a pay raise can be a viol...


Cost of Health Benefits Still Accelerating Faster Than Inflation

The survey of more than 2,000 non-federal private and public employers tracks the cost ...


Granting Equity Incentives to Employees

The grant of equity to employees implicates issues across several areas of the law, inc...