
House Passes Stopgap COBRA Subsidy Extension

Federal COBRA health insurance premium subsidies would be extended temporarily once aga...

HR Administration

Dear Workforce-How Do I Use Competency Maps for Workforce Planning

How do I draw up a competency map that aids our workforce planning?

HR Administration

Dear Workforce What Should We Do With Subpar Managers?

How could we develop a set of solid competencies for our managers? Our goal is to measu...

Workplace Culture

France’s Approach to Workplace ‘Bullying’

France is in the vanguard of addressing the issue of bullying in the workplace, but the...

HR Administration

Fighting Back Against Union Corporate Campaigns

Corporate campaigns make use of a number of tactics to pressure employers into acceptin...


Goldman Sachs Faces Union-Plan Lawsuit Over Executive Pay

The suit, filed Monday, March 8, by the $562 million pension fund of an electrical work...


Senate Passes COBRA Premium Subsidy Extension

The vote followed a stopgap extension for employees terminated involuntarily from March...

Workplace Culture

Employers and the Prevention of Workplace Violence

Commentary: For every headline-grabbing act of violence in the workplace, hundreds more...