
Welcome to My Blog – and a Challenging Project

By Rick Bell

Jan. 2, 2015

A Facebook friend wrapped up what I thought was a really cool project on New Year’s Day. Michelle Derden Edwards, a great PR rep I have known since my days at the San Diego Business Journal when she first pitched me on a teeth-whitening product, completed what she called Project 365. (I told you she’s good; I remember a pitch from like 10 years ago. I think it was Zoom! – with one of those completely unnecessary, annoying exclamation points that drives editors crazy but apparently gets our attention, too.)

Every day for the past year, Michelle posted a photo on her Facebook page with a sometimes pithy, often clever, and sometimes just plain observant caption. On her final post it was clear that she had struck a chord with her friends. Dozens of people responded saying how much they would miss her daily posts. Michelle responded by challenging someone to pick up the project for 2015.

I’m not sure if anyone did, but it made me think, how dedicated would I be to a daily project like that? It’s pretty daunting when you think about it. I mean, doing something every day – brushing your teeth might be an exception – takes a lot of dedication and commitment.

In this working world where getting 200 emails is considered a slow day, you have to consciously carve out the time and drink heavily from the commitment cup. Which hasn’t necessarily been my cup of tea.

But that might be the best way to launch this new blog of mine. Granted, it’s not nearly as fun as a Facebook post, but it’s a challenge.

OK, so I know that I already missed Day One. Right, it won’t exactly be Project 365. But I’ll do my best to be sometimes pithy, occasionally witty and hopefully relevant – after all, we are a people management website – and maybe even get visual from time to time by following Michelle’s lead and posting a photo.

So, welcome to Project 364 and to the Editor’s Notebook blog. Call it my 2015 version of Project 365.

Rick Bell is Workforce’s editorial director.

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