
Why IT Employees Leave

By Staff Report

Sep. 21, 2001

Why do IT employees leave? Here are the most common reasons, according to asurvey by people³, a Gartner company:

Reason %Respondents Rated Moderately or Extensively
Offeredpromotion at other company 69.0%
Receivedsignificant increase in base salary 69.0%
Lackof career advancement/ development opportunities 62.6%
Inadequatecompensation 61.9%
Receivedsignificant increase in TCC 58.1%
Failureto match competitive offer 54.2%
Opportunityto work on new and/or more challenging technology 53.5%
Dissatisfactionwith supervisor 48.4%
Opportunityto work for start-up 41.3%
Lackof senior management leadership/vision 33.5%
Lackof training opportunities 27.7%
Needfor better work-life balance 24.5%
Desirefor alternative work arrangements 23.9%
Lackof recognition programs 23.9%
Poorfit with job 20.6%
Uncertaintyabout company’s future 17.4%
Benefits 16.8%
Relocationof spouse/significant other 14.8%
Retirement 14.8%
Poorcompany image in marketplace 10.3%


SOURCE: 2001 IT MarketCompensation Study of 198 organizations (approx. 35,000 employees), ©2001, people³, Inc.

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