
The Segal Company

By Staff Report

Jan. 2, 2001

The Segal Company has provided employeebenefits, actuarial, compensation and human resources consulting services formore than 60 years.  The company’spractices cover three distinct markets: corporate and non-profit, public sectorand Taft-Hartley plans. The Segal Company is a completely independentorganization with no ties to any other companies. Headquartered in New York City, The Segal Company has offices throughoutthe United States and Canada.  Inaddition, The Segal Company is a founding member of the Multinational Group ofActuaries and Consultants. 

KeyAreas of Service: 

ActuarialServices for the design ofdefined benefit and defined contribution plans, the preparation and review ofactuarial valuations, and the valuation of retiree health plan liabilities andobligations, long-term disability plans and other health programs. 

ComplianceServices include the review ofplan document, plan enrollment information and participant correspondence forcompliance with IRC and DOL provisions and regulations, internal and externalconsistency and provision of clear rules and guidelines for plan operation. 

DefinedContribution Services centeraround helping client select DC plan service vendors (through Segal Advisors,Inc.).  Traditional consulting andevaluation of 401(k) and profit sharing plans by Segal Company consultants arealso available. 

EmployeeCommunication Services includethe strategic planning for using communications to help plan sponsors achievetheir benefits and HR goals. 

HealthBenefits Services include thedesign of medical, dental, prescription drug and vision benefit plans;assistance in selection and quality evaluation of insurers and managed careorganizations; and, projections of benefit costs. 

HumanResource Innovation is acollective name for the company’s human resources, compensation and work/lifeconsulting services that include:

  • Strategic Planningand Service Delivery Modeling,

  •  CompensationPlan Design,

  • TechnologyAssessment and Selection,

  • OrganizationalPerformance Measurement, and

  • Work/Life Programs. 

InvestmentPerformance Services providedby Segal Advisors Inc. (the investment consulting affiliate of The SegalCompany) include asset allocation studies, evaluation of investment performance,assistance in setting investment policy, manager selection and other servicesrelated to the management of investment programs. 

Contact info@segalco.comfor more information.

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