
The Keys Are Within Reach

By Staff Report

Oct. 26, 2001

The future of your organization is directly linked to your employees’depth of experience and their skill sets, especially with those employees whoknow the business inside out and can solve difficult problems. What will happenif one or more key players leave the company? Are you equipped to identify andprepare talented candidates for succession?

    Analytical people-planning software applications canprovide business intelligence about talent at all levels. From recruitment andorganizational development to affirmative-action applications, they enhancea company’s ability to attract, develop and retain the most talented people.

    By leveraging technology, you can reduce time to hire,cost per hire, and have a plan in place to deploy the right person in the rightposition at the right time. Web-based applications can integrate every aspectof these processes to simplify and streamline the process.

    This technology can allow your HR team to collect essentialfacts about potential and current employees (performance, education, competencies,training, and career paths, for instance) and then seamlessly analyze and disseminatethe information. Recruiters in any location around the world can then sharethe information, enhance productivity and quickly place the right people. Thefinal result: your organization will expend fewer resources to attain, train,and retain critical talent. Call Peopleclick today for your recruiting, organizationaldevelopment and affirmative-action needs: (877) 820-4400.

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