
Table of Contents May 2002

By Staff Report

May. 1, 2002


WhyCustomer Satisfaction Starts With HR
There’s convincing evidence thatHR drives customer satisfaction — and revenues — by carefulattention to who it hires, how they’re trained, how they’recoached, and how they’re treated on the job.
By Patrick J. Kiger
RelocationChanges to Fit Changing Times
Economic, social, andtechnological shifts are affecting how HR handles relocations.Read about the latest trends, and see how HR is responding tothem to save money and prevent the problems that relocationsometimes brings.
By Carroll Lachnit
FourSteps to Building E-Learning Success
Your timeline is tight and yourbudget even tighter. Here’s a plan for researching, testing,and launching an e-learning program under strict time andmoney constraints.
By Jason Lewis & DanMichaluk
OptimasFinancial Impact Winner: How Performance Management ReversedNCCI’s Fortunes
A new system brought gains inefficiency and productivity that helped the company battleback from near extinction and offer multi-million dollar pricebreaks and rebates to its owner-customers.
By Patrick J. Kiger

Special Advertising Section

ProductShowcase: Internet Solutions
HR is moving to free itself from theburdensome administrative paperwork that has kept it from reallycontributing to the organization’s most critical goals. With its powerfulcapabilities for helping HR recruit, train, and retain great people, theInternet can help.


Between theLines
Well Served by Serving Well
The Trouble with Tests • Vintage Writing• Points for Discussion
The Critical Care and Feeding ofGeneration Y • Well Done: Pep Boys Turbocharges Training • HR& Pop Culture: Hollywood and Evil HMOs
On theContrary
Musing Her Way Through Life: NotShari Caudron. She’s just an “Abstract Random,” and the only wayshe can do her job is to be, well, a little distracted sometimes.
What Works
The Business of Storytelling: Changing minds is one thing. Changing hearts is another. Tom Terez offerssome ideas on how to shape workplace stories to inspire, lead, and bringabout real change.
Finding balance in health-care workplaces •How to manage a former peer • Is there a way to fix a”humiliating” salary gap? 
Small,Medium, Large
Three Ways to Deliver InvestmentEducation: Retirement benefits are supposed to help you attract andretain good employees. But they’re not valuable if employees don’tunderstand them. See how three companies help their employees betterunderstand retirement planning.
Legal Insight
Mandatory Arbitration Takes a Hit – butSurvives:The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the EEOC can make end runs aroundthe agreements. Here’s what it means to you. Legal Posts: Can HR pinchthis on-the-job habit?
Think Twice
Happiness May Be Overrated: Areyour employees completely satisfied with their jobs? If so, Todd Raphaelsays you’re headed for trouble.

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