By Staff Report
May. 27, 2000
Cover Story
A Day in the Life of HR 2000
By Paul Temple
Our annual “Day in the Life of HR”.
HR BehindBars
By Shari Caudron
Life in prison is awful, unless you’re an employee for the Colorado Departmentof Corrections.
Ivy League HR
By Caroline Louise Cole
HR at Harvard University with the “smartest professors in the world.”
By Caroline Louise Cole
Global competition in digital media is a challenge for HR at the film giant.
HR inLotusland
By Brenda Paik Sunoo
Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Take a look at theHR that staffs it.
Eye on HR atCBS
By Jennifer Laabs
Behind the glamour of this Hollywood television studio is a strong, strategicHR department.
HR by theNumbers
By Nancy Wong Bryan
Here s what 901 Workforce readers had to say in our annual “Day in the Life ofHR” survey.
All Skill, NoFinesse
F. Wagner
Personality fit is every bit as important as your new hire s technical ability.By William
Share theWealth–and the Headache
By Chris Mahoney
Sure, we love stock options. But do we know why?
Flirting: RedFlag or Lost Art?
By Brenda Paik Sunoo
Flirtation at work has long been taboo. But see how it can help your business.
Give PeopleBelief in the Future
By Barbara Moses
In the day and age of the cynic, HR can help employees find hope.
Coping withMental Disabilities in the Workplace
By Stephen P. Sonnenberg
The ADA protects many employees with mental impairment.
HR 101
HR Software sStrategic Advantage
In this month s HR101, Workforce takes a look at HR ssoftware implementation. Our survey shows your company is doing better thanyour department in staying current with software advances. We also look at XMLand how it may make your life easier in the months ahead
On theContrary
Meditations on Motivation
Going the Distance
The Buzz
Social Security RelaxesEarnings Rules for Seniors;
Public Employers Can Push Comp Time Usage
DuPont PharmaceuticalsWrites
New-Hire Prescription
Legal Insight
How Do You Treat theAt-Will
Employment Relationship?
Your HRCareer
Secrets of a CorporateHeadhunter
Will Flattery Get YouSomewhere at Work?
In Every Issue
Between theLines
Schedule, engage, and pay your staff in one system with