
Table of Contents July 2002

By Staff Report

Jul. 2, 2002


Don’tFear Whistle-Blowers
With HR’s help, principledwhistle-blowers can be an organization’s salvation. HR canencourage a culture where bad news can be heard before it’stoo late.
By Janet Wiscombe
EmployersGrapple with Escalating Health Costs
Under pressure to maintainbenefits, but equally pressed by crushing costs, employers areexploring ways to provide coverage without going bankrupt.
By Richard F. Stolz
TheRight Way to Bring Expats Home
You make a significant investmentwhen you send employees overseas. Here’s how to retain yourreturning expats and maximize your investment in them.
By Leslie Gross Klaff
OptimasInnovation Winner: TrainingTransforms a Regional Economy
The province of New Brunswickbreathed new life into a dying economy by creating 20,000 newtechnology jobs and training residents for them.
By Patrick J. Kiger

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Teaming Up for Successful Solutions:Unless you’re a solitary HR genius, chances are that you confrontchallenges and solve problems as part of a team. Whether the issue isrecruiting, corralling employee information, filling short-term workforceneeds, or completing a background check, you might need some assistance infiguring out which solution is best for your organization. The companiesand solution providers profiled here show how great success stories arebeing written every day through true partnerships between HR professionalsand the companies that serve them.


Between theLines
The Health Care Malaise
The Job-Search Recipe • Gen Y Says”Bring It On” • Time to Get Engaged
A Poor Grade for E-Learning • Well Done:The Resume Crush at Edward Jones • The Tale That Money Tells
On theContrary
The Real Digital Divide: ShariCaudron now has a home page in cyberspace, but she discovered that noteveryone navigates the Web the way she does. She asks: Are you a go-back,or a close-out?
What Works
Making Music with a Great Teacher: What does the theme from M*A*S*H have to do with inspired management? TomTerez’s etude on the world of piano lessons reveals all.
It pays to fight cavities • Strikeconduct casts a long shadow • Managing differences of opinion •Calming people down
Small,Medium, Large
Three Ways to Build RecruiterRelationships: A good working relationship with recruiters hinges on your ability toexpress your needs and your company’s culture – and the recruiter’swillingness to listen.
Legal Insight
Hiring Foreign Workers in a Post-9/11World: Security efforts after September 11 raised questions abouthiring employees from abroad. Is it more complicated now? Not as much asyou might think. • Legal Posts: Does a stressed-out employeerequire ADA-style treatment? • HR’s personalliability.
Think Twice
E-mailing Your Way to Disaster:Yes, e-mail is wonderful, but not for everything. Todd Raphael tells talesof HR e-mail gone awry. Rule one: don’t use it to fire someone.

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