
Table of Contents July 2000

By Staff Report

Jul. 1, 2000

cover Story

Gray Matters
A tight job market means that smart employers will increasingly relying on older workers. Here’s how to court them, keep them, and make them happy. By Dayton Fandray


Legislating an IT Fix
From tax credits for training to federal matching funds, Congress is looking for ways to close the IT gap. Can new laws really solve the problem? By Paul Gilster

HR Over the Border
Mexico is home to more than 4,000 maquiladoras, or foreign-owned assembly plants. Business is booming, and so are the challenges for a U.S.-based HR executive. Here’s how to cope when your company goes south. By Brenda Paik Sunoo

Can We Talk?
It’s hard to imagine anything getting done in an organization without honest-to-goodness conversation. It’s exciting to imagine how much more could get done (and get done better) if genuine dialogue happened every work day. By Tom Terez


On the Contrary

The Coach Approach


Virtual Paper Cuts

The Buzz

Express Service for Nursing Moms;

Resume for Disaster


HBO Programs Partnerships for Inner-city Teens

Legal Insight

Employers Can’t Look Away from Workplace Violence

Your HR Career

Resume Wranglers

Working Wounded

Ways to Win Them Over

In Every Issue

Between the Lines


Dear Workforce

Schedule, engage, and pay your staff in one system with