
Table of Contents August 2001

By Staff Report

Jul. 31, 2001

Faculty internships, Disney-style HR, low-cost inpatriation, and more! All in this month’s issue of Workforce magazine — Subscribe Now!


Can Pay For Performance Really Work?
As economic pressures increase, so does interest in pay for performance. But it’s not for every organization. Here is when it works, and when it doesn’t.
By Janet Wiscombe
Faculty Interns: A Bargain for Business, a Bonus for the Classroom
When college instructors are your interns, companies gain knowledge, and send teachers back to their classrooms with a better understanding of business.
By Evelyn Beck
Low-Cost Tips for Successful Inpatriation
Foreign employees who relocate to the United States often need help adjusting to America’s sometimes strange ways. Even on a tight budget, HR can help.
By Carroll Lachnit

Special Advertising Section

Recognition & Incentives Product Showcase
Recognition and incentives can make employees more loyal, productive, and happy. This section gives you easy ways to reward them for their hard work.


Between the Lines
Human-scale heroism.
Gossip story “insulting” • Kindergarten lessons
The Buzz
Business wakes up to workplace napping • Well Done: Intel’s valuable volunteers • Raw Data: A class-action Web site
On the Contrary
Shari Caudron turns Cinderella in the Magic Kingdom, learns Disney’s way with HR, and grapples with her sense of obligation.
What Works
When a workplace runs on fear, productivity plummets. Tom Terez explains how to stamp out the creeping menace.
Dear Workforce:
You need a development plan to keep employees motivated • HR’s evolving sructure • The dangers of a group termination
Legal Insight
Privacy in an age of online record-keeping • How to react when employees bad-mouth management • An employer report to police is not retaliatory.
Small, Medium, Large
How do three companies shave health-care costs? It’s a never-ending challenge, and includes cost-sharing, wellness programs, mail-order prescription programs, and savvy shopping.
Think Twice
You know the conventional wisdom: Always be polite. Everyone should be strategic. Make your workplace so wonderful that no one will want to go home. Hold it, Todd Raphael says. All of that wise thinking is flawed. Here’s why.

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