When you want to sell a telecommuting plan for your company to the CEO, you’ll want to put together a comprehensive proposal. Here’s what that proposal should include:
- Executive summary
Outline the proposal. It is designed to summarize and highlight the key items detailed in the proposal.
Explain why the organization is interested in telecommuting.
- Definition of telecommuting
Explain what telecommuting is. Each organization has specific ideas regarding its own program.
Introduce the background of telecommuting as a concept. Telecommuting has been in existence for nearly 20 years.
- Evaluation of competition
A critical component of your proposal. Request information from a competitor or similar industry that has a telecommuting program. Include whatever statistics are available.
- Benefits of telecommuting
List and quantify the potential benefits to the organization.
Document what changes should take place in your organization for telecommuting to be successful.
List the objectives of your program by priority. Include a cost-benefit analysis and/or preliminary cost-justification model.
Create a guideline for your custom program.
Detail a time schedule for implementation.
- Selection of telecommuters
Detail the guidelines your organization will use to select telecommuters.
Outline the topics that will be included in the training sessions.
Establish who will be responsible for implementation and early evaluation of the telecommuting program and when the sessions will take place.
Reinforce the reasons for a telecommuting program. It should provide an overview of the anticipated impact telecommuting will have on your organization and underscore the importance of evaluation.
Summarize the benefits of telecommuting for the organization, why it should implement a program, and when that implementation should take place.
Include examples of materials referenced in your plan.