
Sample Gift Matching Policy

By Staff Report

May. 5, 2000

Employees give time to volunteer organizations, but they also give money. They give it to their alma maters and to a variety of other non-profits. Company matching policies vary, though they’re often dollar-per-dollar matches up to a certain amount. Here is some sample language to use when putting your policy together.


The Company recognizes that employees have causes and organizations important to them. As a benefit to employees, the company will match approved employee contributions to charitable organizations based on the following:

Employee Eligibility
The company will match contributions made by full-time employees (defined as those who work a minimum of 37.5 hours a week), who have been employed with the organization for a minimum of six months and are not on disciplinary or extended performance probation.

Eligible Recipients
All organizations are subject to approval.

All levels of schools, public or private, any of which qualify as an exempt organization under internal revenue code section 501(c)3, provided they don’t practice racial or any other discrimination. It is the responsibility of the donor employee to contact the organization to which he or she would like to contribute and get verification of non-profit status prior to making a request for matching.

Any other tax-deductible organizations (internal revenue code, section 501(c)3), which includes:

  • Cultural organizations
  • Art museums
  • Historical museums
  • Science museums, including zoos and botanical gardens
  • Libraries
  • Public television/radio
  • Hospitals
  • Social service organizations
  • Environmental/conservation groups

Political groups and any organizations involved in lobbying are not eligible.

Maximum Contributions
The company will match (dollar for dollar or a 1:1 ratio) contributions to a maximum of $500 per employee per calendar year. Contributions of non-cash gifts (such as frequent-flier mile gifts to charity) will not be matched.

Matching Process
Employee writes a check to a non-profit organization and passes it to his/her supervisor with a matching contribution slip found in the accounting department.

The supervisor will request a check from the accounting department to be sent to the nonprofit organization along with the employee’s check.

The accounting department will request two receipts — one made out to the Company and one made out to the employee.

SOURCE: Todd Raphael, Online Editor, and other Workforce staff.

The information contained in this article is intended to provide useful information on the topic covered, but should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion.


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