
Results from an Extensive Survey on Employee Self-Service

By Staff Report

Sep. 28, 2000

The Hunter Group’s 2000 Human Resources Self Service Survey (available in PDF format) shows that more than 90 percent of 342 companies surveyed report”successful or somewhat successful” self service implementations.

The survey also shows that:

  • Implementation times ranged from three months to two years perapplication, although the survey found that time and associated costs werereduced by up to 20 percent when projects were supplemented with third-partysupport.
  • The number of companies using Web-based self service will increase from 46percent to 82 percent.
  • Those reporting success averaged one HR staff person per 151 employees,compared to a 1-to-99 ratio in less successful companies.
  • As far as software goes, the top solution in use is an in-house developedsolution, followed equally by third-party add-on solutions, ERP-integratedWeb solutions, or corporate portal software solutions. Respondents indicatethe strongest plans are to implement ERP-integrated Web solutions.
  • The average company surveyed spent $1.5 million on self service, withper-employee costs ranging from $35 to more than $1600, depending on companysize and type of solution used.
  • Seventy percent of the employees represented now have a corporate e-mailaddress, compared to 55 percent a year ago. Also, 70 percent have access toa company intranet, versus 50 percent last year.
  • The most common data security approach is a single sign-on, which iscurrently used by 35 percent of respondents and planned for use by another40 percent. Single sign-on security allows the employee to enter a passwordonce and gain access to several connected applications. The fastest-growingapproach, however, is digital certificates, with eight percent ofrespondents indicating they use this approach today, and almost 25 percentplanning to use this approach.
  • The most successful self service deployments were a collaboration betweenHR and IT, executive commitment, a strategy/plan, business process redesign,and internal marketing.
  • More and more companies are combining Web-based solutions with liveassistance via an employee service center.

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