Mar. 1, 1998
The authors of this article completed an extensive analysis to determine whether their company, International Approval Services Inc., as well as its clients and employees, would be better off using per diems rather than following the company’s policy of reimbursing for actual travel expenses. Their research indicated that continuing to pay actual expenses was the way to go for their organization. Here they share their findings to help you determine if your current policy supports your organization’s objectives.
Many companies have a cadre of employees who travel extensively on company business. These employees may, over the course of a year, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on airfare, lodging and meals. This is especially true when it comes to international travel.
Some companies reimburse actual expenses. Others pay employees a set daily amount to cover some or all costs. But until you think about your company’s objectives, client-service practices and employee travel patterns, you won’t know which method makes most sense for your organization.
Popular uses of travel per diems.
According to a 1996 survey of 514 employers by The Bureau of National Affairs (BNA), virtually all U.S. companies reimburse their employees for meal expenses incurred while traveling domestically on business. The majority reimburse the full cost of the meal, often requiring that the expense be “reasonable.” One-third impose specific limits. On the other hand, 13 percent have established a fixed allowance for daily meal expenses.
Of the responding companies with domestic business travelers, 21 percent impose specific instructions on travelers’ lodging arrangements or expenditures. Many employers pay their employees based on in-state or out-of-state reimbursement rates, while others allow higher expenditures for lodging in certain cities. Per diems for lodging are rare, with just 10 employers (2 percent) using this method.
The BNA survey doesn’t track costs for international travel, but companies are certainly grappling with the same advantages and disadvantages for reimbursing their cross-border employees.
In many cases, per diem policies:
These advantages have caused a number of companies to put per diem systems in place. But it’s also important to consider the disadvantages. Per diems:
Another potential source of inequity is the client-paid meal or lodging. If the client pays for dinner, the traveler’s meal per diem should be reduced. If it isn’t, the employee is reimbursed for an expenditure he or she didn’t make. And worse yet: The client could pay for the meal again through the per diem system.
Another potential opportunity for undesirable behavior is meals with clients. The company doesn’t want to discourage the employee from picking up the tab for a meal with a client if that’s the appropriate thing to do. In this circumstance, the meal shouldn’t “count against” the per diem.
Many companies have decided the disadvantages associated with per diems outweigh the advantages and have stayed with the more traditional, cost-based reimbursement policies and procedures. But don’t decide this until you’ve weighed both sides.
Deciding factors.
There are several points to consider in deciding to investigate or implement a per diem policy.
Step 1: Consider whether the company’s current travel reimbursement policy is meeting the needs of employees. Does it fail to encourage employees to be prudent in the purchasing of meals and lodging? Is the current system of reimbursing actual expenses being abused? Are employees complying with the current policy, or have employees, in effect, placed themselves on per diems for meals below the amount required for receipts?
If the present system “isn’t broke,” it probably doesn’t make sense to “fix it.” If, on the other hand, the current system is being abused, or isn’t meeting the needs of the company or its employees, consider a per diem policy.
Step 2: Evaluate whether a per diem policy could be crafted that would minimize inequities and properly encourage employees to purchase meals and lodging prudently. To assess this issue, you may want to review the expense accounts of traveling employees to develop a sense of where people are going, what their purchasing practices for meals and lodging are, and what barriers might exist that would preclude or minimize the effectiveness of a per diem policy (such as client meals).
Step 3: Think about whether a per diem rate can be established that benefits the company, the employee and the client. Such a rate would minimize the expense while enabling the employee to be reasonably rewarded for prudent purchasing. Such a rate, however, won’t easily be determined and probably will require fairly extensive study by HR with the assistance of the accounting staff.
Step 4: If you determine that a per diem policy would be advantageous, you should develop one that can easily be implemented with a minimum of exceptions. Consider piloting a per diem system with a small group of employees before implementing the policy on a company wide basis.
The use of per diems isn’t a widespread practice, but it may meet your company’s needs. We recommend you look into it.
Global Workforce, March 1998, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 9-11.
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