HR Administration

It’s Groundhog Day: Here Are the Top 10 Mistakes Employers Keep Repeating

By Jon Hyman

Feb. 2, 2016

Feb. 2 is Groundhog Day, which, because of the eponymous Bill Murray movie, has become synonymous with repeating the same mistakes over, and over, and over. 

In that spirit, I thought we’d take a look at the 10 biggest mistakes that employers keep making.

In no particular order: 

  1. Failing to document employee performance issues.
  2. Ignoring routine updates to your employee handbook.
  3. Omitting preparation for a union organizing campaign.
  4. Not regularly auditing your workplace safety and other OSHA issues.
  5. Placing hard caps on an employee’s leave of absence, or assuming that the FMLA’s 12 weeks are a ceiling for an employee’s leave.
  6. Skipping the interactive process when considering accommodations for an employee’s disability or religion.
  7. Terminating an employee without warning for anything other than the most egregious of infractions.
  8. Not staying up to date on cybersecurity and other technology concerns.
  9. Skipping annual harassment training.
  10. Asking your employees to perform work off-the-clock.
Jon Hyman is a partner in the Employment & Labor practice at Wickens Herzer Panza. Contact Hyman at

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