
How Do We Design a Training Roadmap for Our Company?

By Sarah Fister Gale

Jul. 29, 2013

Dear Growing with Gusto:

You are right on target with your thinking. The investment in training that an organization makes shows employees they are valued and that they are part of a supportive workplace. Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities feel more satisfaction toward their jobs, making them more committed, loyal and engaged.

A training roadmap prepares employees for the next level of their careers. It arms them with the skills they need in order to make positive contributions to their organization and builds their confidence along the way. A training roadmap helps individuals grow personally and professionally.

Before you get started mapping out the roadmap, you will need to determine if your framework is for all employees or for certain employees once they reach a certain level. You may want to start with supervisors and above as this sector of your population will likely be where you fill your pipeline from. You will also need to determine what method training will be offered: formal classroom training, e-learning, developmental assignments, self-directed activities or a combination.

Each managerial level should have specific performance objectives as well as a specific set of core competencies developed for each level. Competencies are observable and measurable skills, knowledge, abilities and characteristics.

In addition to the core competencies, organizations should also add common learning experiences that individuals can gain skills in for their particular leadership level.

Be mindful that when assessing individuals for training, it doesn’t matter what department they are in. We aren’t talking about specialized, technical training that is specific to their area (like IT or accounting). We’re talking about training in the skills that are crucial for all supervisors, regardless of their subject matter expertise.

Remember that development really only happens via a partnership between the employee and the manager. No one can really “develop” someone else, without that individual’s intentional participation.

It will be important to determine which individuals want to be a part of your journey. Beginning with an assessment to determine where the individuals are today is a good starting place. From there, weave your way through their (and your) objectives, identify learning experiences, schedule course options, identify target dates, determine cost and support and finally, how the objectives links to the organization’s vision, mission and strategic plan. All are important steps for an individual’s career development as well as your organization’s growth.

Source:  Margaret Walker, Futuresense, Inc., Costa Mesa, Calif., July 10, 2013

Sarah Fister Gale is a writer in Chicago.

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