
Honoring Investment Education

By Staff Report

Aug. 17, 2005

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2006 Eddy Awards, co-sponsored by Workforce Management and Pensions & Investments. The deadline for entries is October 14.

    The awards recognize corporate, public and union defined-contribution plan sponsors for the best and most effective investment education programs in five categories. The competition is open to all corporate, public and union participant-directed defined-contribution plans. Entries will be accepted from plan sponsors only, though the educational materials may have been developed with the help of outside suppliers. PowerPoint presentations are not accepted.

    Winners will be announced at Pensions & Investments’ 15th annual Defined Contribution/401(k) East Coast Conference, to be held February 26 to 28 in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

    Entrants should complete a separate entry form and submit at least one example of the educational materials for each category.

    The materials submitted should have a close identification with the sponsoring company. More important, the materials should provide information and guidance for all plan participants, from new employees to high-balance midcareer participants.

    Awards will be presented in these categories:

  • Train the trainer

  • Printed materials — initial education

  • Printed materials — ongoing education

  • Special projects — print

    Other media, which includes videos and use of intranets, the Internet, e-mail and any other new technologies to communicate to plan participants information on initial investment education, enrollment information to introduce new employees to an ongoing plan or to boost participation, or ongoing investment education.

    For more information on the categories and for entry forms, visit There is no charge to enter.

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