By Staff Report
Oct. 30, 2008
My experience is that running a quick-and-dirty survey will give you quick-and-dirty results. Employees will give you what they want (or what they think they want) instead of what the organization needs. When time is tight and supervisors are pushing them to “get the job done,” only the brave and underutilized employees wind up attending. An all-too-common gripe is: “We organized what employees asked for, but then nobody turned up.”
If this approach has worked for you in the past—or you have lots of idle money looking for a change of hands—then use the employee survey approach. Another approach that will get to the real needs, however, is to sit down with supervisors and managers (individually or in a group meeting) to identify the burning skill deficiencies that are holding your organization back.
To structure the discussion, spend time discussing (1) current operational issues and (2) future strategic directions. You should end up with a list of needs in one or more of the following areas:
SOURCE: Les Allan, Business Performance, Melbourne, Australia, July 22, 2008
LEARN MORE: The archive contains tips and other information on how to analyze training needs, including tying training to business goals.
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