By Staff Report
Apr. 25, 2000
In order to compete in today’s marketplace, companies are finding that an investment in training and performance is essential. As a result of this focus, the training and performance professional is about to assume a critical new role. And, with new technology the world is getting smaller. The most prepared professionals will understand the global impacts and challenges as they relate to training and performance improvement. ASTD 2000 prepares you for all of those new challenges.
Join colleagues from around the world in Dallas, Texas, USA, for the ASTDInternational Conference & Exposition – the world’s premier event in workplace learning and performance. Dates: As an attendee of ASTD 2000, you can:
Make the most of your time – use the show schedule to map out your day. But first you must register. For the different levels of registration go directly to the main registration page.
Schedule, engage, and pay your staff in one system with