
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Employee Handbook

By Staff Report

May. 3, 2000

Whether you post company policies on your intranet or elsewhere, it’s a good idea for employees to sign a statement indicating they’re familiar with the policies. You don’t want to end up in court some day, trying to convince the jury that your employee did indeed know of a policy when they started work, even though they didn’t sign an acknowledgment.

Here’s a sample statement:



My signature below indicates that I have received a copy of the Company’s Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual.

I understand that this manual contains information regarding the Company’s rules, regulations and benefits which affect me as an employee.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood Company policies.

I also understand that the Company may revise, supplement or rescind policies, procedures or benefits described in the manual, with or without notice.

Print Name _______________

Signature _______________

Date _______________


SOURCE: Todd Raphael, Online Editor, and other Workforce staff.


The information contained in this article is intended to provide useful information on the topic covered, but should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion. This handbook acknowledgment would be different in an at-will state.



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