By Staff Report
May. 3, 2001
Unlimited media choices can sometimes seem overwhelming.
Today’s options for posting career opportunities are staggering. Recruiters havethe option of promoting jobs on potentially thousands of sites on the Web. LucentTechnologies realized the need to better focus their e-media resources.
Although they were currently using an applicant tracking system, they wanteda more effective way to manage their job postings to career sites. Lucent believedtheir recruiters were spending too much time searching for the “ideal”site for particular jobs. They wanted a solution that would allow recruitersto utilize their time more effectively and focus on what they do best — findingthe most talented candidates for the company. Lucent turned to us and foundthe answer in HodesiQ.
Hodes iQ’s powerful media evaluation engines reveal the choice sites.
Hodes iQ is a suite of powerful e-sourcing management tools, each designed tosolve specific recruiting challenges. The suite includes an advanced job postingmanager, an easy-to-use response manager, and a flexible corporate career sitehosting service.
Lucent decided Hodes iQ’s job posting manager was the answer. The job managerimmediately exposed Lucent’s recruiters to the ideal career sites for theiropen positions. Recruiters gained access to the vast Hodes iQ e-media knowledgebase that includes thousands of sites — from free job boards, industry associations,general career sites, and industry mailing lists, to niche sites, discussiongroups, college boards, and diversity sites.
More importantly, they had Hodes iQ’s media evaluation engines working on theirbehalf, selecting a set of media choices that are most appropriate for a particularjob.
With this information in hand, Lucent’s recruiters could quickly find nichesites for their openings. Hodes iQ became an eye-opener to a new set of e-mediachoices. The client also took advantage of Hodes iQ’s powerful career site contractmanager, giving them the option of separating their contracts between operatingcompanies, divisions or even recruiters. Each can be tracked and billed accordingto specific needs. Lucent found that keeping track of expenses and activitybecame simple as a result of consolidated billing and one-click access to mediaactivity reports.
A complex posting process becomes a strategically automated operation.
By using Hodes iQ, Lucent recruiters were exposed to a new set of e-media choices.This efficient solution saved the client time and money and rapidly turned theircomplex posting process into an automated operation. They also centralized efforts,allowing them to establish a consistent employer image and to maximize theire-media investments by tracking candidate response.
Additionally, Lucent found that “consolidating the management of theirmedia contracts was a huge time-saver; and the fact that billing was centralizedwas very convenient.” Hodes iQ was able to provide a simple way for recruitersto quickly find niche sites for their openings, and also made the managementof the posting process much easier.
About Bernard Hodes Group:
As a fully integrated communications company, Bernard Hodes Groupoffers a full array of services to clients in the human resource industry. Theseservices range from advertising, applicant management, consulting, mediaplanning, and employer branding to assessments and metrics, research, resumesourcing, Web development, and more. The company is headquartered in New York,with over 70 offices and affiliates around the globe. Bernard Hodes Group is asubsidiary of the Omnicom Group (NYSE: OMC), the world’s largest communicationsgroup.
For more information on Hodes iQ, contact Bernard Hodes Group at 877/220-0201 or visit For other Bernard Hodes Group products and services call 888/438-9911, or visit
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