
2015 Game Changer: Ivory Woodhouse

By Kellye Whitney

Jul. 26, 2015

There’s something about an infectious laugh.

But while colleagues say hers is engaging enough to travel through walls, the changes made by Ivory Woodhouse, career development specialist at the Washington University School of Medicine, are anything but funny.

Woodhouse, 31, has had a significant influence on human resources at Washington University since she joined in 2011. She has helped move hiring managers into a new applicant tracking system, which, as those in the HR space know, can be tricky business because some workers are averse to new technology implementations.

She has also created a brand for a new career development initiative called Smart Choices. For the first time, the School of Medicine has a way for its staff to learn about their career options, and Woodhouse was the driving force behind the change. In just over a year, she moved career development from fliers and brochures to a fully actualized career counseling service.

Her peers have consistently expressed their appreciation for her genuine, caring and supportive assistance for all of the schools’ employees.

And that laugh? Well, that’s just the icing on an already thickly frosted cake.

Kellye Whitney is associate editorial director for Workforce.

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