Here are some ways to ease employees’ transition to an overseas assignment:
- Help them understand the benefits.
What do they expect from an international assignment? Don’t focus solely on the financial benefits, but consider how this move will help them achieve their career goals. Determine whether this experience will make them more valuable to the company in the long run.
- Remain visible
. Make sure they stay in the loop by coming back for important meetings and reporting regularly on their projects.
- Get them a mentor.
Assign a mentor from senior management at headquarters. Discussing with their mentor the new challenges they’ll be facing will make the mentor aware of their skills and accomplishments, which will help them sell their value once home.
- Have them think long term.
Prepare for their return by determining how they can use their new skills to their advantage. Make sure they are updating skills while overseas to mesh with changes in the company occurring back home.
- Make sure they’re on the mailing lists.
Magazines, newsletters, e-mail broadcasts, and other communications can help them keep up on goings-on in your field.
SOURCE: Personnel Decisions International (PDI), Minneapolis, June 24, 1999.