By Staff Report
Aug. 31, 2000
EightDays a Week– By DaytonFandray
You love itwhen you click your mouse at midnight and get your package the next day. Butbehind those clicks lies the need for 24/7 staffing. Here is how old and neweconomy companies meet the we-never-close challenge. By Dayton Fandray
Caution: Children at Work– By Brenda Paik Sunoo
Millions ofteenagers show up for jobs every day. Thousands of them are hurt at work eachyear, and some die. But employers can help them to reach 18 alive and well.
Safety First – By Paul A.Gilster
When you’repicking a Web-based application service provider, look for three things:security, security, security.
Special Report: HR and the Olympics
This month,the world turns its attention to Sydney, Australia, to watch the world’s finestathletes compete for the gold. Behind the scenes, in Sydney and ColoradoSprings, people and organizations strive to bring Olympic ideals to HR.
Gold-medal HR – ByShari Caudron
The UnitedStates Olympic Committee succeeds in managing one of the must successfulOlympic teams in the world. Here’s how corporate HR professionals can catchthat winning spirit.
The Sydney Challenge – By Brenda Paik Sunoo
How do youhire 52,400 people for an event that will be watched by the world? How do youpromote diversity in such a workforce? No worries, say the HR people at theSydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games.
Get Your Benefit Ducks in a Row – By Gilbert Nicholson
The rightbenefit-plan language is the way to avoid costly “permatemp” problems.
Cracks in the Glass Ceiling – By Charlene MarmerSolomon
Companies arefinding ways to keep talented women from quitting. Cultural change, flexibleschedules, and leadership training all play a role.
The Workforce Interview – By Bob Rosen
Ken Blanchardblazed a trail with The One-Minute Manager. He talks to us about fowl-ups incompanies, and shares his retention formula (think Einstein).
Book Excerpt: Time for a Change
In thesesections from The Book of Management Wisdom, Gordon Bethune and Mary Kay Ashdescribe how they made critical changes in their companies — even when it wasexpensive and difficult.
Health Benefits Crisis
It isn’t apretty picture: doctors, hospital administrators, and managed care“suits”slugging it out over health-care costs. Meanwhile, your company’s costsare spiralling out of sight. Can you do anything? You can.
On the Contrary – Thinking the Worst.
InfoWise – Making the Passage to a Portal.
The Buzz – Work Spaces for the “FacilityChallenged.”
Money Still Talks When It Comes toRetention.
Forte – Health is Serious Business at DaimlerChrysler.
Legal Insights – Does a New Right Make aWrong?
Your HR Career – Make It Your Business toWrite Clearly
Working Wounded – Fancy Footwork forReferences
In Every Issue:
Between the Lines
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