
Strategic Planning A Self-Assessment

By Staff Report

Mar. 15, 2005

Use this self-scored worksheet to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s strategic planning process. For each step in strategic planning listed in the left column, rate the effectiveness of the step as it currently exists. Use the following scale:

1 = Very Ineffective4 = Somewhat Effective
2 = Ineffective5 = Effective
3 = Somewhat Ineffective6 = Very Effective

Step in the Strategic Planning Process


Very IneffectiveIneffectiveSomewhat IneffectiveSomewhat EffectiveEffectiveVery Effective
How well have the organization’s decision makers and employees:123456
1. Established a clear mission statement of why the organization exists and what it should be doing?123456
2. Formulated clear, specific goals and measurable objectives that are logically derived from the organization’s mission?123456
3. Identified and addressed future threats and opportunities resulting from external environmental change?123456
4. Identified and addressed the organization’s present strengths and weaknesses?123456
5. Considered possible grand strategies to guide the organization?123456
6. Selected a realistic, optimal grand strategy, given the constraints within which the organization must operate?123456
7. Implemented the grand strategy over time by ensuring that:123456
A. The organization’s reporting relationships (structure) match the strategy?123456
B. Appropriate leaders have been identified and empowered based on the competencies necessary to make the strategy successful?123456
C. Appropriate rewards have been tied to desired results?123456
D. Appropriate policies have been formulated (or revised) so that internal coordination exists across divisions, departments, work groups or teams, and individuals?123456
E. The strategy is effectively communicated to employees and other relevant groups?123456
8. Established a means by which to evaluate the strategy before, during, and after implementation?123456
SOURCE: Excerpted fromBeyond Training and Development by William J. Rothwell. Copyright © 2005 Williams J. Rothwell. Published by AMACOM Books, a division of American Management Association, New York, NY. Used with permission.

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