Workplace Culture

Securing a Virtual Workforce

By Andrea Siedsma

Aug. 26, 2011

Citrix Systems, a Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based provider of virtual computing software, has avoided many of the pitfalls companies have faced with a remote workforce by implementing a solid plan.

Citrix, which has 6,300 employees, has a Web Commuting Program, which provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and eligibility criteria for those who work virtually. Within the program, managers evaluate the position suitability, employee suitability and performance requirements in determining Web commuting eligibility. The guidelines outline the requirements for the employee to maintain a safe working environment conducive to productivity and include tips and tools.

Employees who work remotely are provided with secure systems access. In addition, each employee is required to have a secure Internet connection and paper shredder. All employees also must participate in security training—which is updated regularly—that helps them to consider the best and safest business practices.

“Having the right tools in place is vital,” said Ani Casillas, senior human resources business partner for the online services division of Citrix Systems. “The right tools enable the right mind-set. By giving people company tools and technology that allow for greater communication, access and collaboration, place is less and less relevant for many positions in the company.”

Casillas said one of the many benefits of having a solid telework policy is being able to attract and retain top talent regardless of location.

“It has allowed us to keep very valuable employees as their lives and places evolve,” she said.

Workforce Management Online, August 2011Register Now!

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