The Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) proposal is designed toincorporate many of the issues that must be consideredwhen designing a flexible work arrangement and must be completed by all PWCindividuals on an FWA. Please complete the following proposal. Your mentor orothers may assist you.
- Benefits and barriers for the firm. What are the benefits of this flexible work arrangement for the firm? Identify potential barriers that a flexible work arrangement could raise with clients, partners, staff.
- Flexibility and availability. Clarify your availability to travel or meet unexpected work needs on days or at times when you are not in the office or formally scheduled to work.
- Communication. How will you maintain communication with the office? With clients? How will you let others know when you want to change your schedule?
- Efficiency and coverage. How will you ensure that your new schedule won’t be disruptive to work flow? Describe your backup plan when you are unavailable and someone – client, partner, staff – needs something fast.
- Flexible Work Arrangement (check one):
- Reduced Hours
- Job Sharing
- Seasonal Employment
- Compressed Workweek
- Flextime
- Telecommuting
- Reasons/benefits for yourself. Identify reason for request. What are the perceived benefits for you? Are you meeting your career and personal goals?
- Describe current and proposed work schedules (include hours per week and per day if different from standard office hours).
- Summarize your current workload and client responsibilities/relationships and proposed changes – transitioning clients to other staff, relinquishing main contact relationship, etc.).
- Based on the above, provide the proposed number of hours you anticipate you will spend in each area of your job.
Using the completed proposal as aguide, discuss the proposed arrangement with your supervisor, coach, and localHR representative. The agreed upon arrangement should be reviewed, evaluated,and discussed quarterly to ensure it is successful for the individual, theoffice, the clients, and staff.
Workforce, February 2001, Vol80, No 2, p. 41 Subscribe Now!