Here are some questions to consider in evaluating specific personality-test products:
- What methods are available to administer and process tests. Pencil-and-paper? Software? Web-based? Can results be returned by email?
- If software-based, what additional charges are involved (can add several hundred dollars)? How user-friendly is software installation and set-up?
- Are products bonded? Backed by psychologists or attorneys? Generally guaranteed?
- Is the instrument job-specific or developed with customized client input?
- What are the validity coefficients? That is, how reliably does the test measure what it purports to measure? A reasonable range is 0.4 to 0.55.
- Are quantity discounts provided? Generally such discounts are available beginning as low as 10 or 25 quantity.
- How has this product fared with legal challenges?
- What are the projected overall costs to your company associated with a particular assessment tool? Begin to track expenses, including administration costs, from the beginning to get the most accurate picture of overall success of the testing approach.