List Rental Rates
Jan. 1, 2001
Effective January 2001
Base Rate |
Workforce Subscribers |
Workforce Prospects |
Workforce Email List |
CostPer Thousand (5,000 minimum) |
$135/M |
$125/M |
$480/M |
Addressing |
Workforce Subscribers |
Workforce Prospects |
Workforce Email List |
4-upCheshire Labels |
$5/M |
$5/M |
n/a |
4-upPressure Sensitive Labels |
$15/M |
$15/M |
n/a |
Magnetictape, 0-Track, 1600 BPI |
$35 |
$35 |
n/a |
Email,FTP Download |
$50 |
$50 |
n/a |
Selections |
Workforce Subscribers |
Workforce Prospects |
Workforce Email List |
Title |
$10/M |
$10/M |
$30 |
Function |
$10/M |
$10/M |
$30/M |
SCF, Stateor Zip |
$10/M |
$10/M |
$30/M |
Hotline |
$10/M |
$10/M |
n/a |
Previous OrderOmit |
$20 |
$30 |
n/a |
KeyCoding |
$5/M |
$5/M |
n/a |
Commissions |
Workforce Subscribers |
Workforce Prospects |
Workforce Email List |
Broker |
20% |
20% |
20% |
AdvertisingAgency |
15% |
15% |
15% |
ListInformation |
Workforce Subscribers |
Workforce Prospects |
Workforce Email List |
Source |
Magazine subscribers |
Productinquirers & buyers |
Workforceonline registrants |
Updated |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Daily |
Looking to reinforce your print and online campaign with a program thatdelivers clients as they move through the buy-cycle?
Try Workforce’s direct response tools and close the sale!
- Workforce, the NewBreed of Magazine Subscribers
- Reach the new breed of HR decision-makers as they activelyresearch and purchase products. The human resources/personneldecision-makers reading Workforce magazine are a virtual “who’swho” of human resources management.
- The list is unique. Each customer is a current subscriberto Workforce, the recognized authority in HR management for more than 78years. This means you’re working with current names and a qualifiedaudience for your message.
- Workforce HR ProductBuyers & Inquirers
- These HR product buyers and inquirers have recentlyrequested additional product information — either online or in print.Updating monthly keeps these carefully selected buyers and inquirers currentand responsive.
- With the Workforce HR Product Buyers and Inquirers, you cancustomize your list. Select by title or type or prospect. Select by recency.Get telephone numbers. Just let us know your special needs.
- WorkforceOnline Registered Users
- Reach HR decision-makers who use email as a productinformation service. These Internet savvy HR professionals are Workforceonline users who have registered to use special sections on the site. Each personon the list has opted to receive promotional email. All you have to do isprovide Workforce with your promotional text. Workforce will format,program and broadcast your offer via the Internet.
- Workforce ListRental Policies
- 1. Deposit requiredfor new brokers/mailers.
- 2. Please allow 5 working days toprocess your order.
- 3. Mail datereservations required to protect against competing offers.
- 4. If mailing iscanceled before mail date, running charges will be applicable. Mailingscanceled after mail date will incur full list charges.
- 5. Lists are rentedfor one-time use only and shall not be duplicated, reproduced or transferredwithout written permission from list owner.
- 6. Sample mailingpiece required.
- Workforce Email ListRental Policies
- 1. Deposit requiredfor new brokers/mailers.
- 2. Text must beprovided at least 5 working days in advance.
- 3. If broadcast iscanceled at least 7 days before the scheduled date, no charges will apply.
- 4. Cancellationsthat occur between 7 and 3 days prior to the broadcast date will be invoicedat 50% of the total cost.
- 5. Any cancellationthat occurs within 3 days of the broadcast date will incur full charges.
Schedule, engage, and pay your staff in one system with