
IWorkforce-I Departments Have Humor, Heart and Attitude

By Staff Report

May. 10, 1999

The Workforce departments have it all — humor, news, opinions, heart and information.

The Buzz

Here’s the stuff tacked up on bulletin boards, swapped in e-mail, and talked about at the water cooler in HR departments everywhere.

It’s lively, it’s entertaining, and it’s irresistible. “The Buzz” is full of attitude and sly wit. It has a little bit of wisdom and a lot of tongue-in-cheek. It’s a collection of stories, pictures, cartoons, art, and jokes that offer a look at HR from just about every perspective there is. Which would you rather do — work on this month’s budget report or eavesdrop on “The Buzz”?

News Angle

An insightful analysis of news events helps readers understand what the headlines mean for them. Real HR means understanding the real impact of everything that goes on in our world from politics, legislation, and economic developments to social change. “News Angle” includes the results of the Workforce .com News Poll, which lets readers see what their peers think about everything from Supreme Court decisions to the last episode of “Seinfeld.” extends the articles in the magazine by providing hands-on tools. There are also site-only features, surveys, questions & answers, management tips, and humor. Here, readers find out what’s new on the site.


HR expertise truly is everywhere. Virtually every kind of enterprise – from sports teams, to symphonies, to auto dealerships — has an HR function. The unique business challenges facing these organizations have given their HR leaders a particular and valuable expertise. These leaders share their hard-earned wisdom on staffing, managing diversity, training and more. Every reader can profit from this one-of-a-kind networking.

Legal Insight

A monthly Q&A — each with a different prominent labor attorney — offers plain-spoken advice on how to contend with today’s thorniest workplace legal issues. This award-winning column is always widely read.

Money Matters

HR was once seen strictly as a cost center. No more! Today’s new breed is driven to boost the bottom line. To do that, readers need more financial savvy than any generation of HR decision makers before them.

They turn to Workforce’s “Money Matters” for the insight they need about financial issues within the organization (such as calculating ROI, budgeting tips, and the impact of HR on stock value) and outside it (such as economic pressures on wage inflation and changes in global markets).


HR has housed data (such as employee addresses and payroll withholding) for years. To have real impact, however, HR must employ that data. That’s why address changes that used to require five forms and six weeks now take three clicks and 90 seconds, why video clips on the corporate Intranet help train new employees, and why data links help sales managers match top performers to the most promising territories.

Yes, the new breed of HR is helping people work faster and smarter than ever before. “InfoWise” frames the issues, defines the terms, and offers concrete examples – all in lively, easy-to-read text stripped of technobabble.


Certainly, HR has never been accused of being without controversy. Find out about the hot topic of the month in Workforce’s Crossfire section. Here, HR experts philosophize upon today’s leading debated issues within HR. It’s a point/counter-point format that sparks thought, progressive change and water cooler banter.

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