
HR’s Customers Say It Doesn’t Always Deliver

By Staff Report

May. 17, 2002

Alan Wolfson, a consultant with the Hay Group, has worked with many organizations to conduct HR audits.These observations about what customers want — and how they perceive HR — are drawn from audit results and what he hears in his continuing practice.

WhatHR Customers Need HowHR is Seen by Customers
High-qualityhires Itgets a list of “bodies” quickly
Dismissalof performers Itcreates roadblocks that are impossible to cross
Payfor performance Anydeparture from established scales means trouble
Trainingto help employees improve their performance Appraisalsmust be completed on time; content doesn’t really matter
Recognitionthat improving skills is essential to long-term success Trainingprograms will be run only when there are enough people to justify thecost; programs are judged on process, not content
Flexibilityin applying rules to meet the requirements of departments and employees Arule is a rule

Workforce, June 2002, p. 30Subscribe Now!

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